Which Gemstone is Allowed in Islam to wear

Which Gemstone is Allowed in Islam to wear ?

Which Gemstone is Allowed in Islam to wear ?


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Which Gemstone is Allowed in Islam to wear ?

We are receiving alot of queries askinggemstone

Which Gemstone should i wear ?

Gemstones Rings according to Date of Birth allowed in Islam ?

Sarkar Healings is pleased to give the solution to the above question.

The Answer is very simple, wearing gemstone is not Haram, If we go back 1400 years before there were not Advance Digital devices to detect the disease, but only based on syptoms various disease were treated. 

As Human is discovering new knowledge, We are using them to make life better, Likewise now advance knowledge is available for selecting gemstones based on the birth time.

“ Allah Shaafi Allah kaafi ”

Gem Stones are Nemathullah like many other gifts’ which Allah has given us to use and get benefits.
Nature has given us thousands of stones. Some of these stones are wearable and some are not so valuable. Almighty Allah has mentioned some verses in Surah Rehman,
“Out of them both come out Pearl and Coral”
[ Holy Quran55:22]
Sufis’ has given answer to your question Which gemstone should i wear ?
Gemstone Consultation is very important part in healing ,which is based on color therapy. Sufis’ has given this knowledge about the planets, which can be use as vital information for helping people suffering from various problems.
We will prepare your birth Chart Zaicha and give complete report which will include Zikr & Wazifa, Sadqa/Charity, Certain precautions & some rituals to be done and Gemstones with zikr & wazifa to activate the Gem stones. 
Allah has created many means which can be used to make our life happy.
Few people say that their life changed after wearing a Gem Stones, and they much better then before, here we need the clarify that the Faith is on Allah’s Neymath.
Just like life saving drugs save many lives, these life saving drugs are also Neymath of AllahEverything which happens is via some means.
Each stone has a unique function and role in our life.

In Gemstone Consultation, based on  to your name and date of birth, time & place of birth we will suggest you 3 stones

1-Life stone :Life stone which anybody can wear throughout life. One can wear it all though his life to experience it’s mystic powers. Wearing a life stone can remove obstacles and bless an individual with happiness, success and prosperity. It is generally worn to bring about an overall well being of an individual. It’s cosmic rays are influence his entire existence.
2-Lucky Stone : Life is a perfect blend of efforts and destiny. Get destiny to for you by wearing you’re lucky stone. An individual’s lucky stone is one that keeps luck ticking bringing in pleasant surprises in life.
3-Fortune Stone : Fortune stone is done on the basis of the planet governing the ninth house.This stone is known to make fortune work for you when you actually need it.Good fortune comes your way in personal and professional life .It helps you combat any obstacle that stands in your way of prosperity.
Stop searching for which gemstone should i wear, Sarkar Healings has Solution for all your problems.
Now if you have the desire to wear a diamond, sapphire or any other stone, how would you find out weather it suits you or not.  This has a deep connection with your name not the months.Get the complete report.
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Which Gemstone is Allowed in Islam to wearWhich Gemstone is Allowed in Islam to wear ?
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